Crew Baseball Core Principles

 “Be humble, stay focused, hit the ball”

 1)      Have Fun: above all else, having fun (players, coaches, parents) is the #1 goal of Crew Baseball. As we all know, it is not always about winning and that is especially true at a young age. As long as the boys are progressing and having fun, our goal will be achieved. Winning is a result of that motto.

2)      No Daddy Ball: Crew Baseball may have paid coaches one day and we sometimes hire specialists to work with the players at practice, but for now the coaches are volunteer Dad’s. Every coach/Dad must treat their son as just another player with no special treatment or advocation. Positions, lineups, and pitching rotation is merit based. The coaches will do their best to put the team in a position to win without regard to their relationship with the player.

3)      Integrity: coaches and parents will hold the players and each other to a high standard of integrity. Opposing teams, coaches, umpires, and officials shall be treated with respect consistent with the written and unwritten rules of baseball.

4)      Live in the Moment: Time is the most precious commodity we all have and the amount of time we all have is forever dwindling. Respect the moments and time we have with the boys at this young age because it will go by quick. Players will make mistakes and coaches will too. Learn from it, get better, live in the moment.

5)      Player Safety: no player will be overused in a position, especially pitching and catching. The coaches will adhere to tournament pitch count rules and then some. Many times, a pitcher will not even come close to the max pitch count of a tournament.