Crew Baseball

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our goal is to build long lasting relationships and coach kids the skills required to compete at the highest level. That includes respect for the game, opposing teams and players, umpires, parents, teammates, and coaches. We have fun, no doubt, but we also teach kids to focus their skills as soon as they set foot on the field. The mental aspect of this game is by far the important skill to have. Our mottos are “Recruit Talent, Coach Skill” and “Be humble, stay focused, hit the ball”.

 - Chad Sellers, President & Head Coach

Runn Up Photo - Crew 9U (10-3-21).jpg

On the top left is Matt Proctor, our dedicated pitching coach. Proctor made his mark in college ball as one of the few knuckle ball pitchers around. He is now volunteering his time coaching these boys on pitching. The work Proctor has put it with them really shows on the field. Next to Matt is Chad Sellers, Head Coach and President of Crew Baseball. Sellers is an experienced select manager with 8 season of select baseball under his belt. Top right is assistant pitching coach, Josh Reynolds, who is always the first to help wherever help is needed. Reynolds is a vital part of making this team run on and off the field.

"Nothing's ever been as fun as baseball."

Mickey Mantle